SPRING 2025 Recreational Soccer registration

We're excited for the upcoming season and look forward to many of our players and coaches returning for the Spring Season! We depend heavily on our volunteer coaches coming from our parent ranks. Many of you have stepped up to volunteer and we are forever grateful. We look forward to welcoming you back for the Fall 2024 season. We are also excited to welcome new volunteer parents as coaches.  

As with our previous seasons, Waxhaw Soccer Club will offer three(3) age appropriate programs: MICRO (U4 & U5), EDP (U6 & U7), and REC (U8-U16) for this upcoming season. Our registrations each season eclipse 700 total players and typically we do not need to implement caps on team sizes. Due to field space and volunteer coach availability, we have made several changes to the registration process to streamline registration. This will make it easier for you to know exactly when your player will have practices and where. This is a BIG change from how this has been done in the past. It will be different as we now have fixed days, times and locations for each age group for registration. 

As you are registering your player, you will be presented with options for registration. You will select the Days & Times that are available for your players age/birth year. For the older age groups, there will be four(4) options per age group as the Club can roster up to four(4) teams per age group. Once a Day/Time slot is filled, it will no longer be available. If necessary for some age groups we will limit the initial offering and open more if necessary.