REC U8-U16 Printed RosterS

  • As the Head Coach for a U8-U16 Team, you must bring a printed roster to each and every game. You can assign this to your Team Manager if you would like to delegate it.
  • The printed roster must contain the following:
    • Player's First name & Last Name
    • Player's DOB
    • Player's Jersey Number
    • Head coach & Assistant coach (if applicable)
  • Rosters cannot be handwritten.
  • Print a season worth of rosters from a Spreadsheet.




  • Players must have shin guards and soccer cleats.
  • Players wearing cleats, it's encouraged that they do, these must be soccer cleats. Refs will check the cleats before games.
  • Football & Baseball cleats are different (they have a cleat at the top of the foot) and will not be allowed on the playing field.
  • Players can wear sneakers if they don't have cleats.
  • The Home team will provide a Game Ball.
  • Coaches will be given a bag with Game Balls, Pinnies, Pump, Keeper Jerseys. If you're the home team, make sure you have a ball that has the right amount of air in it (maybe even slightly less if it's really cold out).
  • Game Balls are as such:
    • MICRO & EDP: Size 3 ball
    • U8 - Size 3 ball
    • U9 through U11/12 - Size 4 ball
    • U13 and up - Size 5 ball


  • Most of the refs are college-age kids who are trying to get a little extra cash. Please be patient with the refs. They're not perfect. 
  • Some calls will go your way. Some won't. This is not the World Cup.
  • If things are egregiously going against you, you may try and talk it out with the ref at half-time or a stoppage in play. This does not mean yelling, cursing, etc. If you think you'll yell or curse at the ref, don't. Talk to the commissioner after the game and they will address the referee issues.
  • There are associations out there with aggressive coaches and parents. The refs have their hands full sometimes. Let's not contribute to that. 
  • Encourage your parents to not engage with the referees at all. Period.

REC U8-U16 REFEREE FEES (Updated July 2024)

  • The Referee Assignor for UCYS requires all referees be paid at the field prior to the match via “cash on field” payment.
  • The Club no longer includes Referee Fees as part of registration due to this rule.
  • Due to the tax implications placed on the receiver of the disbursement of funds, the Club has implemented Team Parent/Team Manager for direct (peer-to-peer) collection of Referee Fees. This is the exact same system all competitive teams utilize. Referees must claim income and as the assignor does not collect fees and payout to referees, this avoids any tax implication upon our coaches and/or parents.
  • All teams must pay Referee Fees prior to the start of matches.

UCYS REC U8-U16 Referee Fees (2024; Seasonal)

  • U8 = $20.00/Game ($160.00 for season per team)
  • U9-U12 = $35.00/Game ($280.00 for season per team)
  • U13+ = $40.00/Game ($320.00 for season per team)

2024/2025 Fees Examples: Final team size dictates final Fee per Player you will pay to the Team Parent/Team Manager.

  • U8  = 10 Players per team (avg.) would be ~$16 Ref Fee per Player
  • U9-U12 = 12 Players per team (avg.) would be ~ $24 Ref Fee per Player
  • U13+ = 12 Players per team (avg.) would be ~ $27 Ref Fee per Player