
FALL Training: Typically start the same week as UCPS Schools, which is normally the last week of August.

SPRING Training: Typically start the first week of March, based on the calendar to allow for 8 weekends of games before the end of the UCPS School Year.

Training Cancellations

  • Player safety is our top concern.
  • Weather may impact our regular training schedule. 
  • The Soccer Directors for Academy, Classic, Micro/EDP, & REC closely monitor the weather situation each day.
  • Our goal is to hold as many practices as we can throughout the season.
  • You will receive an email or DM if practice is canceled from your Director. If you don't have an email saying practice is cancelled, we will have practice. If you're wondering if we're having practice, the answer is yes until it is no
  • For those situations where it starts pouring rain at 6:45, please use your judgement (with safety in mind) as to whether you should end practice early or not. 
  • Fridays are typically our makeup practice days. If we have cancellations throughout the week, we'll work to schedule something for Friday evening.