Coaches use this page as their first resort for administrative questions about coaching. Topics on this page are listed below. If you do not see the answer to your question on this page, please reach out to our Interim Director of Recreational Soccer, Ben Ashby.
Do you sense a theme? Waxhaw Soccer Club is a volunteer lead program.
Our Board of Directors down to our facilities managers are all volunteers. We need volunteers from our Club membership to make this all happen on a yearly basis. This has been the same since 1986 and we continue to have amazing volunteers come out and be with the club for as much time as they can give. If you have an interest in volunteering as a coach, Team Manager, a commissioner, helping to put out flags and readying fields, or as a Board Member, we would love to have you!
NOTE: Local Rules by Waxhaw Soccer Club and Union County Youth Soccer supercede in certain circumstances. Be sure to follow local rules for team sizes, ball sizes, keeper vs. no keeper, etc.