Upon acceptance into the Waxhaw Soccer Club program, each player shall be expected to commit to their respective teams for its duration. A $200.00 commitment fee will be due at the time of offer & registration for the year.
REFUND POLICY - Our policy is to offer NO REFUNDS except for extraordinary circumstances (season ending injury, family relocation outside of the immediate area, or an official commitment to a local school team).
Expenses that are mandatory, but are not covered, would include game and practice uniform and team fees.
New Uniforms from 2024/2025 season started the new 2 year cycle. Approximately $175 – Game Uniform (Includes 2 Jerseys, 1 pair of game shorts, 1 pair of game socks, and 1 pair of pink socks for breast cancer awareness month)
** U15 -U18 Girls' and Boys’ teams are not required to purchase pink socks. **
**The cost does not include the mandatory practice attire: Practice t-shirt, shorts, and socks. **
Additional expenses that are not included are soccer bags, warm ups, personal soccer ball, shin guards, cleats, team camps, tournament incidentals such as travel, meals and hotel expenses. Coaches and teams may decide to participate in more than two(2) tournaments, with tournament fees being an extra cost. It will be up to the teams to collect these additional fees and expenses at the time of tournament registration.
Team Fees are an additional cost per player. They include an equal share of the total cost for referees for the regular NCYSA, coaches travel expenses (gas, food, lodging), and all tournament fees. Team fees can range from $100-$300 per family per season. These fees are collected at the beginning of the season.