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Fall 2024 Recreational Soccer Registration

By Waxhaw Soccer, 07/03/24, 8:00AM EDT


Hello Waxhaw Soccer Families,

Our Recreational Soccer Fall Season is just around the corner. Can you even believe it? We have a busy summer ahead of us to be ready for the season to kick off on Monday, August 26th. For this Fall Registration, the WXW Soccer Club Board of Directors, along with our Director of REC Soccer and Director of Micro & EDP, have thoroughly updated how players are registered for the season. Gone are the days of guessing and waiting until the week before training is set to learn what team your player is on and the days/times/locations for training. We won’t bore you with the spreadsheets, calendars, algorithms, and AI needed to figure out the best way to register and simultaneously roster up to 825 players onto as many as 85 teams, across 3 Divisions, and 14 Age Groups. And then do this all over again in the Spring. This is a BIG change for us and will also be very different for most who have been with our Club for the past few years. This model is not unlike most other organizations' registration processes and we needed to standardize our process.

Moving forward, here’s what’s in store for Registration:

Important Dates:

  • Registration Opens - July 3

  • Registration Closes - August 11

  • Late Registration Requests: August 12-16 ($100 Late Fee applies)

  • Fall Season: August 26 - November 3

  • REC U8-U16 Game Season - September 7 - October 26 

  • MICRO & EDP Game Season - September 14 - November 2

  • REC U8-16 UCYS Tournament - November 2 & 3

  • Game Schedules will be released in early September

2024/2025 Seasonal Registration Fees:

MICRO Division

  • Two(2) Age Groups: Micro 1 (2021) and Micro 2 (2020)

  • Micro 1 will register for training on Monday or Wednesday evenings at Nesbit Park and will train at either 5:30pm or at 6:00pm for 30 minutes

  • Micro 2 will register for training on Tuesday or Thursday evenings at Nesbit Park and will train at either 5:30pm or at 6:00pm for 30 minutes

  • There will be up to twelve(12) teams per age group, and up to seven(7) players per team. 

  • Once a Training Day/Time is sold out, that team is officially formed. Coaches will come from the teams, so if you as a parent volunteer want to coach a team or are returning as a coach, please register for the best time for your training. 

  • We offer the ability to request one(1) friend on a team, but this must be coordinated parent-to-parent to ensure that you register your players for the same time and day. 

  • Due to the changes in registration structure, the Club will not be able to move players after registration.

EDP Division

  • Two(2) Age Groups: EDP 1 (2019) and EDP 2 (2018)

  • EDP 1 will register for training on Monday or Wednesday evenings at Nesbit Park and will train at either 5:00pm or at 6:00pm for 60 minutes

  • EDP 2 will register for training on Tuesday or Thursday evenings at Nesbit Park and will train at either 5:00pm or at 6:00pm for 60 minutes

  • There will be up to twelve(12) teams per age group, and up to eight(8) players per team. 

  • Similar to MICRO, as Training Day/Time slots sell out, the team is officially formed. Coaches will come from the teams here as well. If you as a parent volunteer want to coach a team or are returning as a coach, please register for the best time for your training. 

  • We offer the ability to request one(1) friend on a team, but this must be coordinated parent-to-parent to ensure that you register your players for the same time and day. 

REC U8-U16 Division

Registration for this division has been updated extensively due to several factors from previous seasons, coach/parent feedback, and how Union County Youth Soccer manages certain elements of the games. The goal for this year was to remove obstacles for registration, streamline & efficiently register and roster players, explain any misunderstood information from seasons past (no surprises), and to clearly define how we will structure referee payments and attendance at post season tournaments. We have built this structure to allow for up to four(4) teams per age group. There will be up to ten(10) players per team in U8 OR up to twelve(12) players per team in U9-U16. This is more in line with the guidelines set by UCYS.

  • Starting this season, Registration will be as follows:

    • FALL Seasons - Due to player Age Group moves with the beginning of the new soccer year, Teams reset each Fall Season. Players will only be registered via Training Day Group (M/W or T/TH), Time, Age Group & Location.

    • SPRING Seasons - For each Spring Season, we will continue as we have in the past allowing teams to stay formed for the second season of the soccer year. The registration will allow for selection to play for the same team OR to opt to change to different training day’s and onto a new team.

    • The training calendar is set up to allow for up to 38 teams to train two(2) days per week for 60 minutes each day at NTES & WUES fields

    • Based on this, teams will not be able to change their times or days for training. If there is a need for make-up training due to weather, the Club will have access to a limited number of make-up slots on Friday’s if necessary.

    • There are a few provisions for U15/16 as this is COED and we need an even number of male & female players if possible.

    • Due to the changes in registration structure, the Club will not be able to move players after registration. And as always, there are No Refunds after registration.

  • U8, U9, & U9/U10(Girls) teams will train at New Town Elementary Field either at 6:00pm or at 7:00pm either on a M/W schedule or a T/TH schedule.

  • U10(Boys), U11/U12, U13/U14, & U15/16 teams will train at Western Union Elementary Fields either at 6:30pm or at 7:30pm either on a M/W schedule or a T/TH schedule.

  • All Age Groups offer the ability to register for an early training time or a later training time until sold out. Please note that the Club reserves the right to Cap an age group in the event of lower registration numbers to form fewer teams if necessary.

  • REC U8-U16 Referee Fees are no longer included as part of registration each season. This is due to the complexity of how referees are to be compensated at the field for their time. 

  • NEW VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY (REC U8-U16 Only): With the changes for referee fees collection (above) and mandatory “Cash on Field” payments structure, the Club has introduced the TEAM MANAGER role for each team. 

    • This is a volunteer role and they will coordinate peer-to-peer collection of Referee Fees per player family on a team. 

    • The Team Manager will also work with the coaches to coordinate uniform collection/distribution, drinks/snacks if necessary, canopies for the hot/sunny days, and other things that may be needed. 

    • Each team will be required to have this role and is included in the new registration form. 

    • This role will also be required to complete the online WAA Coach & Volunteer Application.

  • REC U8-U16 Uniforms: Also new for this year, the Club will no longer purchase two sets of 300+ uniforms per year for REC U8-U16. We will make a single bulk purchase for the Fall, and a smaller one for the Spring as needed.

    • Players who return for the SPRING season will have the option to re-use their FULL Fall uniform and receive a $15 discount on the Spring registration. 

    • Players who are new to the Club for the Spring OR need any of the 3 pieces to the uniform will need to purchase new for the season and register at full fee.

  • REC U8-U16 End of Season Tournaments: There are two(2) tournaments for U8-U16 held each year.

    • For the Fall there is the UCYS Tournament. Registration for this is included in our Dues to UCYS. Referee Fees are not included and will be handled by the Team/Team Manager. 

    • For the Spring, it’s just the opposite. Registration is not included as this is an OPTIONAL tournament hosted by WCWAA. Fees are paid by the teams that choose to enter and referee fees are included in the registration for the tournament.

Parent Volunteer Coaches 

For Recreational Soccer, the coaches come from the teams. We have several returning coaches, but we will still need volunteers as well. If you as a parent volunteer want to coach a team or are returning as a coach, please register for the best time for your training and indicate that you will coach in the form. Go into this with the mindset that you may be called upon as a coach as there is a limited number of players on a team, so one of the parents will be the coach. We offer training from our professional coaches and will have assistance from our Director of Micro & EDP and our Director of REC Soccer. Again, Parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer as a coach via the registration and complete the online WAA Coach & Volunteer Application.

Questions about coaching?

Lastly, due to the changes in registration process & structure, the Club will not be able to move players after registration. As we have structured the registration in a way that fills all time and roster spots, a request to move has a downstream effect upon other families. As we do not offer refunds after registration, please choose the absolute best training time for your player(s) and family. 

This is a lot of information, but we are certain this will be great for all! 

Click to review registration information & start your registration here!

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